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The unsavoury alliance between oligarchs and London’s top lawyers

This was a headline in today’s Obeserver (27/05/2018). The accompanying article written by Nick Cohen was a strong attack on the retainer by unsavoury Russian oligarchs of top London law firms. Linklaters and Olswangs both felt the lash of Nick Cohen’s tongue whilst Mishcon de Reyna were accused of ‘harassing’ the murdered Maltese journalist, Daphe Galizia on behalf of a Maltese client.

I am not in a position to judge whether Cohen is right or wrong in the individual cases he mentions but the general point is well made. None of the firms mentioned are short of profitability or cash so why take on the dubious clients whose actions are disreputable and threaten to damage credibility to the firms themselves? It is time that the city moved off from having the reputation as a safe have for money launders and foreign state oppression.
Twitter: @UnityLeg
​Linkedin: Unity Legal Solutions

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